The media environment is so stifling that I find it hard to frown upon Hedges and Martin for their working for RT. RT is not any more diabolical than Fox News or MSNBC. If their options are either say what they believe on RT or not be heard at all, I would endorse them going on RT and saying what they believe. Hedges and Martin would not be allowed within 100 miles of an MSNBC studio to air their anti-imperial messages.
This is a good distinction, thanks for writing this.
However, I recently came about some pretty weird stuff on Abby Martin's work in the early 2010's. Apparently she used to work with Alex Jones and had some pretty questionable stuff about 9/11 truther movements. I was not aware of a lot of that stuff when I saw her work on Gaza, but it kinda soured my opinion of her and questioned her motivations. Also, Chris Hedges is going into weird Jimmy Dore territory recently. I thought his anti war work was good but it does seem like his Default is "America Bad", which I don't disagree with necessarily, but it lacks context that you laid out above.
The media environment is so stifling that I find it hard to frown upon Hedges and Martin for their working for RT. RT is not any more diabolical than Fox News or MSNBC. If their options are either say what they believe on RT or not be heard at all, I would endorse them going on RT and saying what they believe. Hedges and Martin would not be allowed within 100 miles of an MSNBC studio to air their anti-imperial messages.
This is a good distinction, thanks for writing this.
However, I recently came about some pretty weird stuff on Abby Martin's work in the early 2010's. Apparently she used to work with Alex Jones and had some pretty questionable stuff about 9/11 truther movements. I was not aware of a lot of that stuff when I saw her work on Gaza, but it kinda soured my opinion of her and questioned her motivations. Also, Chris Hedges is going into weird Jimmy Dore territory recently. I thought his anti war work was good but it does seem like his Default is "America Bad", which I don't disagree with necessarily, but it lacks context that you laid out above.